Matt Rouge writing update for November 17, 2008

I have not updated in a while because a lot of jobs have been in progress: changes to the Japanese originals, and so on. It definitely keeps me busy.

I have got a new job in, however. Recently I did a translation of a video script about the history of a major Japanese automaker in Thailand. Now I have been privileged with the task of translating a short magazine (not an article, but actually an entire internal magazine) on the same topic. This is quite a chunky job and will consume about a week’s worth of time.

I have continued to work on my mysterious “business literature” book with my mysterious author. We are making good progress, and I feel that this book will be of great help to many people.

I have also been getting out and networking a lot lately. Indy is a great town for networking: I am a member of Rainmakers, and there are many other organizations and events. From the attitude of people around here, you would never think there was an economic downturn in the works. Perhaps our Hoosier spunk will see us through!

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