Matt Rouge writing update for October 11, 2008

Shame on me: it’s been a month since I’ve written here. Time has flown, but not in an unproductive fashion. In addition to getting the content of this site together (apologies again to my visitors!), I’ve been working on the following for a major Japanese automaker:

  • New model press kit. This consumed most of September, as my friends and family well know. It’s not done yet, but the US affiliate has approved the copy for the most part and we are now going to layout. Many revisions to follow, I’m sure. I need to keep mum about the details, but the vehicle is truly exciting! This press kit is not translation-based; I am writing it in English, editing a variety of source content and adding extensive copy of my own. Tough but rewarding work!
  • Two press releases for the same vehicle, which has created quite a stir at the still ongoing Paris Motor Show.
  • A press release for a very interesting new safety device. My translation in effect ended up branding the device, and it was by no means a literal translation (literalness would not have worked in this case) so I am rather proud of this. This release was picked up by auto-related media around the world.
  • A press release about a power steering system.
  • An internal media piece.
  • A large panel for an international competition.
  • A video script concerning another model. This video will not be seen by so many people, as the model in question is practically a race car and something quite exclusive. Fun stuff.

OK, that’s all for one company. Here’s what I have been doing here in the US the past month:

  • Interpreted for hospitals. We had the Moto GT race here at the Speedway recently, and I was called to Interpret for a rider who crashed during the race and bumped his head. He was completely fine and was released in just a few hours. He certainly was an interesting fellow to talk to, though!
  • Interpreted for a law firm.
  • Am currently working on some bios for a local service provider to go up on their website. Very nice client.
  • I’ve had a fiction story serialized in college football programs sent out to stadiums around the country. The publisher told me the circulation was at least 100k, so I hope readership will be substantial. The publisher liked my story quite a bit, so I’m working on a new one now.

Thanks much again to my clients, friends, and family who are always such a great support as I write like crazy. I promise now to blog here on a more frequent basis and keep you up to date with my goings-on!

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